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這是拉姆和盧克楚普的故事。拉姆是建築學三(⛏)年級的(🍀)學生(👰)。他長得很帥(⛩),很有錢,是大學裏很受歡迎的人。但他是個挑食的人,你能輕易買到的(🌧)食物並不能滿足他的味蕾。盧(㊙)克舒普是一個可愛的大三學生,有着胖(🛳)乎乎的臉頰,研究食物和營養。他暗戀拉姆,卻沒有勇氣表白。幸運的是,有一天命運將他們聚(🍳)集在一起,以食(🈷)物和泰國甜點爲紐帶。  This is the story of Ram and Lukchup.  Ram is a third-year architecture student. He's good-looking, filthy rich and the popular guy of the university. But he's a picky eater, the food that you can easily buy doesn't satisfy his taste buds.  Lukchup is a cute junior with chubby cheeks who studies Food and Nutrition. He has a crush on Ram but doesn't have the courage to confess. Luckily, one day fate brings them together, with food and Thai desserts as the bond.


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